15  Implementing output statistics

Apart from minor refactoring, the last implementation steps involve displaying (step 12) and recording (step 13) output statistics. These are essentially aggregate measurements about the state of the simulation at a given time step.

Pond Trade step 12
Pond Trade step 12

Pond Trade step 13
Pond Trade step 13

The statistics serve as indicators for monitoring complex results while manually running simulations in the interface. Most importantly, they can be used more systematically as data that can be exported for further use in other software, e.g., to perform advanced statistical analyses and more sophisticated graphs.

Here is how step 13 implements those statistics:

We could further implement a procedure to export these and more variables at a specific time of simulations. We will see an example of this in Block C. However, in most cases, we want to use NetLogo Behavioral Space. Find it in Tools > Behavior Space. This built-in tool allows you to configure experiments to be run in parallel, within a specific parameter space, and perform a series of commands before, during, or after a simulation run. It includes functionality for exporting simulation data as a CSV file (you will be prompt with a File Explorer window once you press “run” in an experiment).

As the final step in developing PondTrade, let us update our second-tier conceptual model, adding a more explicit representation of cultural vectors and their contents.

Pond Trade conceptual model at step 13 (second tier)
Pond Trade conceptual model at step 13 (second tier)